


刘立明[1](2015)在《产品质量监督抽查制度执行偏差与纠偏研究》文中提出Product quality is led by affect the whole body of important social issues, involving thousands of families, involving the vital interests of each consumer, related to industry production and business development, related to economic development and the quality of the country’s society, and more related to the impact of our products in the international community. While the economy continues rapid growth in China, the quality of the event is also emerging in recent years, large and small issues constantly refreshed major news sections, to stimulate people’s attention, arouse social concern. Such examples are numerous, DaVinci Furniture price "foreign brand" identity fraud, creating a sensation of "waste oil" event, Shuanghui ham incident, Sanlu milk quality issues, from large corporations to small businesses, there are problems of production management and some even outright fraud and selling is a flagrant violation of discipline, harm consumers, the paper checks on product quality supervision and management system implementation gap between research.This article discusses the purpose and significance of the study on the basis of product quality supervision and related concepts are defined at first, proven product quality supervision work procedures and sampling criteria. Then discusses in detail the status of product quality supervision and inspection system, points out the existence of product quality supervision problems that include:problem of duplicate checks, not administrative law issues, local issues protection to fine host of issues, poor information problem, deal with lag issues, the problem of imperfect product quality standards, product quality inspection institutions lack capacity issues. Then the causes of these problems are currently carried out fully, the main reasons include:the selection of a standard sample, sample problems and enhance staff qualifications, instrument filled with the improvement, repeat sampling problems and solutions, not able to get samples problems and treatment, some companies have really not produced, can not provide samples, companies refuse checks, not able to get a sample, corporate evade checks, unable to extract the required sample, the sample is not representative of the true level of quality of enterprises, "random sampling" of the problem and handling, on-site inspection, corporate investigations, evidence collection and retention work. In some basis, proposed to improve the product quality supervision system design effectiveness, including:first, further deepening administrative reform, deepen the reform of administrative organization, an appropriate increase in the central government centralization; Second, to promote the ruling department administrative Concept, a clear idea of governing for the people to fully understand the importance of administration according to law; third, increase product quality supervision " normalize" the construction of a unified approach to product quality supervision management, unified product quality supervision implementation of norms, uniform product quality supervision of various instruments; fourth, enhance product quality supervision of information technology, the establishment of information-based platform integration, application development product quality supervision system software, using a variety of means of information; fifth, strengthen product standardized quality management, deepen the reform of product quality and standardization bodies, deepening product quality standards and revision; sixth, strengthen the technical inspection of product quality supervision agency, restructuring efforts to increase product quality and technical inspection agency, enhance product quality and technical inspection agency approval checks, strengthen supervision and management of product quality daily technical inspection agency, to increase investment in product quality and technical inspection agency; seventh, to strengthen the corporate propaganda; eighth, increase the timeliness of news media coverage and accuracy.

中国建筑金属结构协会[2](2001)在《关于2001年协会成立20周年庆典活动的安排》文中研究指明 今年是中国建筑金属结构协会成立20周年。20年来,随着整个国民经济的快速发展,我国建筑门窗、采暖散热器、建筑模板、建筑扣件、建筑钢结构、建筑给水排水设备等行业发展变化之大,技术进步之快,新产品成果之多,经济效益之好,经验之丰富等都是历史上从来没有的。为了总结好这20年

彭克荣[3](2001)在《建筑扣件委员会2000年工作总结及2001年工作安排》文中研究表明 随着我国经济稳步的发展,从建筑扣件的生产和使用量来看,比1999年有所增加,据不完全统计,年产量约超过1.5亿件,产值约6.2亿元。但由于无生产许可证企业生产的扣件大量冲击市场,使不少扣件生产厂转产、减产、停产。无证扣件生产企业遍及各地,他们无孔不入。但主要集中在河北省献县、孟村县、泊头市,这些无证扣件的年产量已超过一亿件,他们用劣质低价冲击市场,但得不到有关部门的抑制,使整个市场处于无序竞争状态。

徐文铎[4](2001)在《中国建筑金属结构协会2000年工作总结及2001年工作要点》文中进行了进一步梳理 2000年是二十世纪最后一年,是令人难忘之年,是我国社会主义改革开放的现代化建设进程中具有标志意义的一年,也是实现“九五”计划全面告捷之年。在过去的一年中央坚持扩大内需,继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,我国的经济运行质量进一步提高,国民经济发展出现重要转机。由于城镇住宅建设高速发展,给我们建筑金属结构行业发展提供了良好的条件。过去一年在政府部门的支持下,由于各专业委员会、各部室全体职工的辛勤工作,坚持协会的宗旨,在为政府服务、为行业服务、为企业服务、为市场服务方面做了大量富有成效




















第一章 产品质量监督抽查制度的相关概念
第二章 产品质量监督抽查制度现状分析
        (一) 提高了我国产品质量的整体水平
        (二) 平息了多起全国质量安全突发事件
        (三) 为消费者选购放心的产品提供了依据
        (一) 重复检查的问题
        (二) 不依法行政的问题
        (三) 地方保护的问题
        (四) 以罚代管的问题
        (五) 信息不畅的问题
        (六) 处理滞后的问题
        (七) 产品质量标准不完善的问题
        (八) 产品质量检验机构能力不足的问题
第三章 产品质量监督抽查的问题原因分析
        (一) 部分企业近期确实未生产,提供不了样品
        (二) 企业拒绝抽查,不能抽到样品
        (三) 企业逃避抽查,无法按规定抽取样品
        (四) 样品不能代表企业的真实质量水平
第四章 提高产品质量监督抽查制度有效性的对策措施
        (一) 深化行政组织机构的改革
        (二) 适度提高中央政府的集权
        (一) 明确行政为民的思想
        (二) 充分认识依法行政的重要性
        (一) 统一产品质量监督抽查管理办法
        (二) 统一产品质量监督抽查实施规范
        (三) 统一产品质量监督抽查各种文书
        (一) 建立一体化的信息基础平台
        (二) 开发产品质量监督抽查应用系统软件
        (三) 应用多种信息化手段
        (一) 深化产品质量标准化机构的改革
        (二) 深化产品质量标准制定和修订
        (一) 加大产品质量技术检验机构的改制力度
        (二) 加强产品质量技术检验机构的审批把关
        (三) 加强产品质量技术检验机构的日常监督管理
        (四) 加大产品质量技术检验机构的投入


  • [1]产品质量监督抽查制度执行偏差与纠偏研究[D]. 刘立明. 中国海洋大学, 2015(07)
  • [2]关于2001年协会成立20周年庆典活动的安排[J]. 中国建筑金属结构协会. 中国建筑金属结构, 2001(03)
  • [3]建筑扣件委员会2000年工作总结及2001年工作安排[J]. 彭克荣. 中国建筑金属结构, 2001(01)
  • [4]中国建筑金属结构协会2000年工作总结及2001年工作要点[J]. 徐文铎. 中国建筑金属结构, 2001(01)

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