

  1. 答:不好写。
  1. 答:免费在线,教你一个方法写你自己的,其实,他们收取同样的方式写的是从互联网上收集了数篇论文,然后被复制上述各部分,重新??组建一个新的文件,如果它是原始的,词,句,不改变的意思的方式改变这样的待遇,在网上找到了,我祝你成功!
  1. 答:the strength of petitive is decided in the market enterprise whether the key to winning, and at present the o industry is in critical periods, reform and development, how to clearly recognize the status quo, improve petition ability is the key to attention and resolution. This article through to the panies internal and external environment, summarizes the impact analysis the main factors of petitiveness, from the market, and system construction, law enforcement personnel team construction environment, analyzes promoting petitiveness approach.这是我一个个字翻译的哦~~~给分我吧,好辛苦的
  2. 答:如下:
    petitiveness of an enterprise determines its rise or fall in the market. o industry is now standing at a critical stage during which reform and development is of great importance. How to soberly understand the current situation and improve petitiveness of panies is an urgent problem for us to value and solve .In this chapter, internal and external environments of panies are analyzed to help elevate panies' competitiveness from perspectives of market, system establishment, law and regulation and enforcement, talent pool building.
  3. 答:这么几个字,这么多分,太阔绰了。
    Whether an enterprise can win in the market depends on petitiveness.
    For the moment, the o industry is confronting a critical period of reform and development.
    How to clearly understand the current situation and improve petitiveness of this industry is a key problem to emphasize and solve.
    This thesis, by analyzing the internal and external environment of the pany, summarizes the major factors affecting petitiveness and provides methods to enhance that from the aspect of market, system construction, law enforcement environment, human resource cultivation and so on.
  4. 答:The key of whether the enterprise can eed in the market is up to petitiveness of enterprises.Now the o industry is in the critical period of reform and development,so how to recognize the situation and to promote petitiveness of the panies is the key issues and solutions at this stage which need to be pay attention to. Based on the analysis of pany internal and external environment, my text give a summary of the main factors of petitiveness of enterprises and analyse the way of enhancing petitiveness of enterprises from the market, system building, law enforcement environment and building personnel point of view of the way ect.
  5. 答:The strength of petitiveness of enterprises is deciding whether the key to ess in the market, but now the o industry is in the critical period of reform and development, how to recognize the situation and to promote petitiveness of the panies must pay attention at this stage the key issues and solutions . Based on the analysis of pany internal and external environment, to enhance petitiveness of enterprises summary of the main factors, from the market, system building, law enforcement environment, building personnel point of view of the way to enhance petitiveness of enterprises.
