

问:求助论文摘要翻译(汉译英) 试析英国骑士制度的兴衰 摘要:骑士制度最早起源于8世纪的法兰克王国,它是一种
  1. 答:On the development and decline of British Knighthood
    Abstract: Knighthood was originated in Frankish Kingdom in the 8th century, it was a military regime which was built on manorial system. In the 11th and 12th century, knighthood passed across the ocean, arrived The bined with local custom, the British Knighthood was formed. This essay is to illustrate British knighthood in three aspects: the Development of British Knighthood; the Decline and the causes of the Decline of British knighthood; the Unique Features of British knighthood.
    Key words: Great Britain, Knighthood, Develop, Decline.
  2. 答:Vicissitude of British Chivalry :an antempted analysis .
    Abstact:Chivalry ,firstly originated in Frankish Kingdom in eight century ,is a military system based on feudal feoff .In eleven and twelve century ,chivalry was spreaded to Britain across the sea ,then British chivalry with indigenous characeristics emerged .The thesis will present it from three aspects of British chivalry :emergence and development ,decline and the reasons ,unique features .
    Key words: Britain chivalry emergence decline
  1. 答:The knighthood system started in the feudal Medieval era in Europe. However, the knighthood spirit, which came out of the knighthood system, has surpassed the limitation of time and space, and being passed down from generation to generation. This article starts from the cultural aspect to discuss the impact of knighthood spirit on modern Europe, so one can better understand the development of the Western culture and modern Western world.
    Key Words: Medieval Era, Knighthood Spirit, Modern culture, impact.
  2. 答:Abstract: European mediaeval knight system is rooted in the soil of the feudal society, however, with chivalry and formation of chivalry is beyond space and time limit, from generation to generation. This paper, from the perspective of culture, this paper discusses the spirit of knights of modern European influence, in order to better understand the development of western culture and the western world today.
    Keywords: medieval knight spirit contemporary cultural influence
  1. 答:chivalry, or knighthood 前者更常用
    / ˈʃɪvəlrɪ; ˋʃɪvlrɪ/ n [U]
    (a) (in the Middle Ages) ideal qualities expected of a knight, such as courage, honour, courtesy and concern for the weak and helpless (中世纪的)骑士精神(如勇气、 荣誉感、 谦恭及扶助弱小等). (b) religious, moral and social system of the Middle Ages, based on these qualities 骑士制度: the age of chivalry 骑士制度时代.
    courtesy and considerate behaviour, esp towards women 谦恭有礼及体贴殷勤(尤指对女子).
    > chivalrous / ˈʃɪvlrəs; ˋʃɪvlrəs/ adj
    1 (in the Middle Ages) showing the qualities of a perfect knight (中世纪的)表现出完美的骑士精神的.
    2 (of men) courteous and considerate towards women; gallant (指男子)对女子谦恭有礼及体贴殷勤的, 有骑士风度的: a chivalrous old gentleman 彬彬有体的绅士. chivalrously adv.
